Tag: Podcast

The GRcade Twitchcast Episode 34 – A Little Look Back At The PS4!

This week on the GRcade Twitchcast your hosts are Pedz and Victor Mildew.

Well, the new generation of game consoles has just begun, it’s literally been less than a month since the launches of the Xbox Series-X and Series-S from Microsoft and Sony’s latest The PlayStation 5. Tonight Pedz and Victor tried their best to talk about the PlayStation 4 but as usual, they went of their usual tangents though they didn’t stray too from the topic at hand.

A few things were talked about including the launch, various games and Victors 5 favourite PlayStation 4 games.

The PlayStation 5 was also talk about for a small portion of the episode, but there’ll be more PlayStation 5 talk in the upcoming episode where the hosts will be looking to the future of the New Gen.

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This is a community podcast streamed live to Twitch. The community is the video games forum GRcade. Why not check out the forum and get involved with the discussion about Games + Stuff?

The GRcade Twitchcast Episode 33 – Doom Returns!

This Weeks episode Pedz is re-joined by the long-missed Doom Spoon and as well as Doom returning Corazon de Leon joins the Twitchcast about halfway in.

The discussion this week starts with catching up with Doom, and asking what his thoughts are on the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox S/X-Series, the reveals and the games that have been shown, Corazon turns up about half-way through this conversation and also shares thoughts on them too.

Amazon Luna is another topic that’s talked about and Game Streaming in general, what’s good or bad about it, and how viable and sustainable it is as a platform at the moment.

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This is a community podcast streamed live to Twitch. The community is the video games forum GRcade. Why not check out the forum and get involved with the discussion about Games + Stuff?

The GRcade Twitchcast Episode 32 – We’ve Much Catching Up To Do!

This week on your not quite weekly GRcade Twitchcast your hosts are Corazon de Leon, Pedz and lastly Victor Mildew.

In this episode why try to give a brief overview of the news and announcements ranging from the Xbox Game Reveal to the Newest Nintendo Partner Direct. The issue is that there is so much information at the moment we weren’t able to talk about everything or slightly touched on a topic. we did talk a fair bit about Microsoft purchasing Zenimax Media and what that may entail with the companies and IPs that came with it.

We also talked about the Playstation 5 and the games revealed and if anyone was disappointed with the news that several of the games at launch will be cross-generation titles which also brought up the issues, well at least to us, on a digital-only console.

Microsoft’s Xbox X-series was touched upon with thoughts on Halo Infinite along with whether we would like to purchase one or now.

Nintendo was talked about with Super Mario 3D All-Stars and a few other games were mentioned also.

if you would like to have audio-only: Click Here!

This is a community podcast streamed live to Twitch. The community is the video games forum GRcade. Why not check out the forum and get involved with the discussion about Games + Stuff?